Dienstag, 16. November 2021

The Cost of Being Woke

Criiticizes right wing attacks on activists, purely online feel good activists and explains that wokeness is not just a joke religion of phrases. I suppose if I just open my heart up I will feel truth but it seems to me there are as many truths as there are people. Perhaps humans are the unique thinking creature so memes, ideologies, dogmas, religions take on their own realities. To get past these we must go to the next higher level beyond mind( 6th chakra)  to 7tth chakra. Like power of babel confusion, only unity of understanding in bliss (7th chakra) or love of heart(4th) can overcome talk( throat chakra) or mind or rational logic. Anyway I really do get confused by all of this so I need to withdraw from the arguments which seem circular, contradictory and in the end based on emotion. People continue to believe what they want and just argue past each other. I must go beyond that into deeper spirituality. Everyone must grok that and from a higher space of inner calmness they willl understand themselves and others better. IOW if I suspect I have more spiritual gift than I have an extra responsibility towards neutrality. Separation of church and state applies. Everyone can go to church, confession, say a prayer. Alice criticized in previous video inactive spiritual people but once one gets involved confusion reigns. Who is evil? Everyone is self interested and it is win win or zero sum game? I post endless videos on evil govt and corporations. Youtube is great for investigative journalism. All this stuff about cultural appropriation is difficult. Christianity is a mix of most cultures from mediterranean and northern Europe, by doing just that to get everyone along the way to accept it. This is how societal integration works. Suddenly beards on young men get cool just as US spends endless time bombing conservative middle Eastern countries and immigrants flood westward. I work with all sorts of people from the world and borrow every idea, learn their culture, etc. I marry a foreigner, my kids are multilingual. Am I some hypocrite who is trying to use everyone. I should give up yoga and meditation and tai chi after decades and go back to catholicism? Forgettaboutit. No way. Spagheti and pizza were in earlier decades more exotic like maybe thai food now. Should I only eat wonder bread and mayo?

                                 Catholic Woody Allen in "Bananas"


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