Samstag, 27. November 2021

Music in Ancient Rome

Researching and observing I get the idea that Google, facebook, twitter, instagram, youtube will become just one of many information sources. In the 70s there were 3 TV channels which soon expanded. After this phase one of the main complaints will be void: suppression of free speech, propaganda, election manipulation. Since these main providers are in left wing areas and censor alternate viewpoints not only in the USA this change will be welcome. Media creates reality in the mind. Since film and radio were created propagandists everywhere, like advertisers have used media to expand their influence. Monopolies never last long however as they get stultifying and boring and oppressive. How many youtube vids have I seen that complain of having to self censor and make content available elsewhere on user created subscription services? TV and magazines and newspapers are also very controlled in content. They belong to a few companies. In China the government openly censors. In the West this is more subtle but we see how papers and channels lose viewership to other sources thought by many to be more informative, truthful and distant from control by politicians and wealthy capitalists. This is a healthy sign of democracy in action. New technology can be abused but also used properly to increase justice, democracy, general freedom and well being of the masses in open discussions.


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