Sonntag, 21. November 2021

Hollywood' s gay China problem

Smart commentary. Anti gay Chinese stance unites western gays with other anti chinese Western patriots. This will unify left and right in America preventing civil war or secession as they seek common cause. I think the man here misses the severe social splittering happening in America due to such uncohesiveness due to varied lifestyles, gay/ straight/ religious/ atheist and only sees advantages in a free culture. The Chinese censorship and control is likely based on the observation of a near civil war in America and the anticipation of the same at home. If China succeeds in flattening incomes, bringing cultural cohesion then the West will need to do the same to survive. So California leftwingers will need to find tolerance for bible thumpers in flyover country and vice versa or civil strife will become endemic and war inevitable. Can a country split still dominate the globe militarily and economically? Can a military get by with a large gay contingent? ( this is its own story and interesting throughout history, think greece, rome, julius caesar). Culture changes and gay, straight, mixes cultures may develop as in Roman, Greek times, being very ambiguous like the idea of extramarital lover in France more acceptable than in perhaps Northern Europe. Human evolution is also a social one and it is getting interesting.

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