Sonntag, 28. November 2021

Virgil Abloh RIP (wiki link) 

I only learn of certain people who are driving forces behind our world when they pass as they remain obscure to the general public who looks more at society gossip and runway starlets but ignores those responsible behind the scenes with boring personal appearance and personal lives. To die from such a rare cancer so young is odd and especially when so loved and appreciated. After watching NDE videos I feel assured that somehow it is alright. One can' t help but wonder though. Perhaps he fulfilled the purpose he was sent for and needs to return quickly to an entirely different position where he fulfills different emotional needs. Supposedly we reincarnate until we rid ourselves of desires. One life a king, next a warrior, another an intellectual. Virgil combined many aspects. Most would envy such talent, success, creative drive, intelligence. We all wonder why we exist and our meaning in life specifically. Few have vision of such creative leaders who become famous. I think if I were to climb to the top of a field that this would be a great satisfaction and challenge, as with the coldplay situation or Beatles. 5 or 10 years of high creativity leads to burnout or confusion. One must retank energy in nature or perhaps in between lives. If we as a collective are slowly gaining a higher consciousness as stated by angels to people who come back then maybe our personal ambitions will be more fulfilling in some deeper sense that we have difficulty even grasping now, much as a child hardly can relate to adult needs and desires and activities. At any rate on the private level it must be sad to lose a parent so young. So many people are so useless to society. I am a complete loser for example. Nobody gets bothered when most of us die, only immediate family, acquaintances. Some people nowadays have built online followings but another blog, tiktoker or vlogger can always be found like switching TV channels mindlessly. In the depths of war existentialist nihilism reared its head to reject classic certainties destroyed by evils of war. Perhaps seeing our mindless consumerism will cause a similar reevaluation leading to a higher purification in a coming 60s type spiritual hippies revolution at a more intense level than back then. We have learned more about Eastern mysticism, yoga, psychedelics and the futility of materialism over the last generations and can apply this to create a society more in harmony with itself and earth. Like the young man cleaning the ocean garbage there are paths which are against the standard ambitions of fame, fortune. As a shy, reclusive person one wonders how such people like Virgil or that Dutch youth at Ocean Cleanup find and maintain a vision from within that is so much more than others. Coldplay beat the path well trod by other bands since many decades. What on earth could be original? The best downhill skiing ever? But useless fun. They say the longer we reincarnate the more spiritual and less active we become. India is disdained for its chaotic misery forever while producing deeper spirituality. I suspect India is integrating humanity slowly into its spirituality by osmosis. This is why the English conquered it and this became their language and the global lingua franca to aid in the spread of ancient concepts long hidden. America is similar in effect to old Rome. Global immigration integrates cultural movements into new ones like Egyptian, Iranian and Greek religious dogma united with the Jesus persona to become Christianity which heavily influenced birth of Islam which together dominate the globe. America' s endless wars, expansionism, integration of cultures inside its own could help create a new religion, philosophy going beyond capitalism vs socialism or our various monotheistic competing faiths. When we feel love at a deeper wavelength then Lennon' s imagine song could become reality in a factual practical way. Religion is a practice but if it is directly felt as by the mystic then rote practice and houses of worship become irrelevant. Maybe this is evolution. Read thoughts, feel each other' s feelings as empaths, see past, future, lucid dream in community, understand communications with animals and plants and the planet itself. Then we feel God directly all together like in some millenialist vision of the lamb lying down with the lion. Now back to our regular programming of grief, corruption, greed, sadness, despair.

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