Samstag, 20. November 2021

Glamour Magazine Analysis of Rowling Controversy

I will have to study this more thoroughly. Knowing no trans people I find little way to make sensible statements. It is even hard to have prejudice if I only heard this existed a couple years ago. For example I don' t follow much newest pop music and films in my age. I follow some politics but not deeply. One gets into a work and hobby routine after 30 which absorbs one more or less. Life moves due to technology rather quickly. I certainly hope that things like mass iphone possession, psychopharmica, chemical sex change possibility, everyday cosmetic surgery for everyman, etc will not warp our society to a point of unrecognizability so quickly that a generation is ever shorter, i.e. each ten years the next age group will so violently disagree with the social and moral values of the last that a generation gap ensues as with Rowling and others. She seems to know and appreciate many trans indivuduals but disagree with the concept( I have yet to study all of her statements). The more complex society becomes the more difficult agreement becomes on survival matters. Then a weakened and divided siciety becomes prey to invaders. This was always the dangers of highly developed civilizations, ours no less. Cohesion of muslims, Russians or Chinese is greater than ours and clearly could threaten our existence long term. What comes after trans rights, intersectionality, etc? If I proclaim my status as kundalini awakened as minority staus I would be laughed at but it brings severe life problems. Many have severe multiple personality disorder, schizophrenia, bipolar. Sexual minorities are vocal and visible. Others just need self awareness and organizational talent. I speculate on future trends. Who knows where society is headed.

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