Montag, 15. November 2021

Screen Addiction, Dopamine Fix , Porn, Celibacy, Loneliness

Before writing, stories were memorized !ong poems recited. Books isolated people but shared. Photos and film are similar. Internet and mobile internet go further. We used to play guitar or piano for friends but now we have ear plugs and everyone lives in own universe. Film was at first like theatr and then in the living room, a family matter. Now it is individual. Porn brings little pleasure. Relationships of whatever depth are much more satisfying. Porn establishes no rapport with audience. People have fan clubs for very famous porn stars just like sports, music, actors. Perhaps destigmatizing sexuality in such a sterile unnatural overbuilt environment is good, like beach nudism or similar. Things always swing too far in one direction then back. Statues in Rome get covered up and uncovered in succeeding generations. We all have emotional needs. Total suppression of drugs, sexuality, esoteric religious practices by archh conservative forces as in Muslim society now or Chinese leadership of CCP forces a cleansing perhaps of excess. Drunkenness on any stimulus is unbalanced. Sex, drugs, poetry, music, dance, trance states are tools. The goal is elsewhere. Corporations profit from booze, opioid, porn addiction as well as consumerism destroying habitat, occupying us unneccessarily in a rat race to keep up the joneses. New car, clothes, travel to show off. Status. I went to space. I have new levis. Schoolyard taunting.

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