Mittwoch, 24. Mai 2023

Does Sex Before Marriage Harm the Relationship?

Basically I know the statistics that in Western countries on average 16 is first sex. How many partners on average before settling down, having kids? 4, for men with a four year degree, six partners otherwise.,the%20happiness%20of%20her%20marriage.&text=The%20first%20column%20includes%20the%20baseline%20estimates.
 Here is a scientific assessment article. 2/3 are happily married and one lifetime partner is best but only by a few percentage points. Finding Mr. or Mrs. Right immediately might be difficult. Maybe as in the video the discussion of even church goers having a cultural norm nowadays of sex on the third date is historically abnormal. I think in the 50s my Catholic father avoided this but in the 60s things changed significantly with birth control and equality, women earning an equal living, not staying at home. But as in my last blog post we see that that is not as important. General happiness in marriage or life can have very many factors, health, friendships in general, career accomplishments. I understand from hinduism, as opposed to this Christian video above, that in serial lives we try out various things climbing up a ladder of happiness, suffering till we escape it all. IOW the US constitution is basically a Christian document enshrining in it the "search for happiness".  Back on topic, " making love" 100 or so years ago was a general phrase for platonic dating. So your sweetheart would be your best friend for a long time in your average rural community where most lived, you would have an engagement party, plan a big wedding, be both virgins if the man weren' t actively underway at brothels or with some  "loose women" of bad local reputation, say. In the big cities where slowly more of the population had gathered modern moral norms might have allowed these very long term historical norms to loosen smewhat. The invention of the pill, rise of irreligiosity and women working generally equal to men changed this all but serial monogamy and few partnerships remains standard. However nowadays internet dating allows casual dates with just sex in mind at the drop of a hat, married or not. STDs are spreading rapidly showing that these everywhere present dating aps are having their effect. I would have to research if people are having more and better sex and better emotional relationships due to these aps, say the under 30s. How does it look, 10-20 years down the line from internet dating start. I did not participate as I married in late 90s. Internet boom came later. Maybe I was lucky as it would have confused me. I generally am fatalistic and accept what I get in life. I just worked on what I considered a difficult marriage, working on myself, yoga, dietary habits. Happiness never seemed to come with one thing. In life there were those goals like diploma, degree, job, wife, kids, property. Basically the external things don't really fulfill emotionally. Sex ain't all it was made out to be, etc. Bad luck can be good luck. Silver lining in clouds. Losing that office job and becoming physically active and interacting with lots of people made me happier, activated me more. I was raised academically and assumed that was my destiny to do paperwork. My grunt father was not my role model. Your body, mind literally change according to what you do with it. Yoga helped me make that switch and kept my marriage together as I could manage the stress from my wife's various moods being more fit and calm in myself. IOW happiness is an internal balance in the body, not something to suck out of a partner. Using a partner as a sort of goddess figure will leave one disappointed cause everyone will get moody, bitchy, have nerving habits. I recall my father was good at ignoring all that. He came up in poverty, big family and unlike later generations was not constantly self analyzing , trying to fine tune the perfect happiness, introspecting. I asked my Mom once if she believed in God and she replied " yes". That is all. I could write volumes on the subject. These people may not have understood their neuroses, subconscious but society was a damn sight more stable back then. When people started up all getting educated, then those people in the 19th century discussed endlessly marx, etc and before that the 18th century rousseau, hobbes. Learning and philosophy are great but gradually when everybody does this all the time in every situation it destroys societies utterly as we see nowadays. Nothing is ever good enough. The theory behind this is cyclical civilizational decline. Then the barbarians invade, we return to the land and the simple life begins again. I assume we aren't that far off from that.

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