Mittwoch, 24. Mai 2023

Men Won Feminism(Role Reversals)

OMG! My wife did the part time thing, raised kids. My Mom didn't work. If I were a bit younger I might have had this. Stay at home Dad doing hobbies. Actually I really focused on hobbies like yoga, tai chi, meditation. My wife though a perfectionist still had lots of time and my job was a bore so stress was low. We both got what we wanted. My Soviet raised wife learned this lesson from her parents. Mom was the big boss with an education leading the city's kindergartens. Dad was in factory, came home early and my wife cleaned up the house as daughter. Lil bro was less active in household. Dad was present. Mom very absent, earning double. So they experienced this early on. My wife just stopped for about 15 years while kids were in school except nursing a few times a month for some cash, now works half time, earning same as me, having been reduced to lower manual work after great recession, but enjoying it, as the guy says, lots more than office job B.S. Maybe next generation both sexes will throw in the towel to corporate b.s. try to live own lives at minimal level of activity. Fulfillment is not in the rat race but in the heart. Funny is his take on dating. " Just look at some hot chicks for free online, then hire a professional occasionally, don' t play that messy game pleasing her, tending her ego then hope to get lucky occasionally in bed, why bother?" I have read about incel being celibate, dissatisfied as women only want mr. perfect and nobody fits that, dating sites filter out most men effectively and the 1% jerk, 6 foot 3, great job, screws 50 chicks, treats them badly, laughs about it. Losers might find a filipino, etc " mail order bride" from overseas and bypass that all if he just wants an old fashioned 50s lifestyle. I recall when I participated in Peak Oil discussion forums the talk was of corporations maximizing work force participation with home automation and canned foods in the 40s-50s so housewives would work. Feminists wanted that, total equality. Now, they have it. Good luck! Rat race for corporate. Just a con game. Men learned that 50 years earlier. Screw it all! Why does everybody imagine Soviet Union disintegrated in reality? Because people got social paradise, role reversals, social justice and it made them no more happy than anything else. This is a very basic human problem described by buddhists. Dream up a goal, desire, spend your life attaining it, then wonder why you are still unhappy at the end. Societies do that too. Those after death stories tell how people come back saying all that counts is who you loved. Don't forget it!

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