Dienstag, 23. Mai 2023

Peterson on Woke Culture

Now if I were a depressed teen and they said well you are stuck in the wrong body , maybe you are "x", take a choice, give them a card deck with pictures of famous figures, animals, trees, etc then with star trek technology get their consciousness transmuted into a tree, a jelly fish, a whale, a rock. There are no ends of possibilities of emotional growth here. The only reason for the fixation on sex change and teens is that sexual identity is fixed in those years and that through operations and hormones we have a technique of changing external sexual characteristics. Other changes are impossible. Lets say I change my eyes to look asian or my nose to look more black and then work on my skin color through various techniques. I could become furry over all through operation and become a werewolf, getting large fangs through dental transplants. The only reason sex changes are pushed is due to the large gay lobby where dysmorphia over sexual identity is normal and in a sense a positive part of identity, understanding better your yin or yang. As a hetero I do this at best by being strongly in one direction and exploring the female polarity then retreating back into myself and adapting this to make my masculinity stronger, not abandoning it in some way. If this were all just theoretical that would be ok but as Peterson explains by focusing on sex change we are missing the deeper underlying human problem of depression and anxiety. Sex fixation is just that. As I have said below, chakra balancing is important, anger, love, intellect, sexuality. A male boxer might be like Tyson, anger fixated. An egg head might do maths, remain a life long virgin( Newton?). Casanova was a sort of giggolo. So legal obligations to advise depressed teens of sex changes is a purely political decision based on minority politics. Reality would suggest a more balanced method than such a faddish approach. If you have only a hammer(hormone therapy) then all problems look like a nail.

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