Sonntag, 21. Mai 2023

Truth About Muscle Fascia - Bioneer

He even goes into meditation here and how fascia is just one big interconnected thing sending electrical charge so one part effects another part of body when worked on. I have noticed how when I do pure energy work, which I feel throughout my whole body as a sort of warming heat, and then I get up from my meditation or lying position to go make breakfast, work, that I am much more agile, flexible, lively than before. This sounds counterintuitive. I expect such a result after hatha yoga practice quite logically. But this video would explain that. If one pumps up on energy through various East or Southern Asian practices of special pranayama, etc then it will enliven the entire body through the fascia. I earler presumed my nerves got energized. Fascia in three layers wraps everything however. We also energize each other if we work on such practices individually then share. We can exchange such energy and share mechanical, emotional habits through fascia, nerve systems readily. Crowd control, manipulation might be down sides to this. 

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