Mittwoch, 24. Mai 2023

Trans Regrets Maleness

Men it appears don't make friends like women do. Now in comparison, I came to Germany at about 26. My language skills will never be fluent like a kids and certain cultural norms, habits may never seem natural. My American accent, mannerisms remain. Imagine changing sex. A young adventurous person traveling abroad is one thing and difficult, challenging but changing sex? Loneliness, new found, unexpected social ostracization, people being afraid of you perhaps being a creep or murderer or rapist just because you are male? I remember the Eddie Murphy setch on SNL where he put on whiteface and when black people were gone suddenly all white people were best friends. That was really funny. 

I told my wife about this video and she mimicked trans exaggerated maleness or femaleness. First of all we are individuals, not a sexual caricature. 

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