Dienstag, 23. Mai 2023

Women's History Myths

 I always recall hearing about how men's hearts raced when they catched a glimpse of a female ankle! But that at the same time exposed breasts were no problem is likely due to the invention of the bra, which contains them so well nowadays in comparison. Also, polyester tights allow women's legs and buttocks complete control. Since dresses went out of style in the 60s and female jeans became form fitting the male gaze on the female form became normal. Parallel to that bikinis revealed legs. Since my youth there has been a gradual focus on normalization of female buttocks from 50% to 100% viewed in more daring swimsuits. The classic v view of breasts has become boring and under boob, side boob, transparents are more in. Frankly over time one sees how designers and women must show more. Male power, willingness is falling, as well as testosterne, sperm counts. If trends continue, I expect simple topless with a tanga to be swimsuit norm at least on the runway for a fashion show. Once young men have been watching porn on smartphones since youth daily then they will be unfazed. The older generations will recede and ignore them, not go to beach, appear at parties with risqué clothes. Daily office, shopping attire should remain as is, jeans, t-shirt, sweater, uni-sex. Imagine the office Marilyn look in the office, sexy dress, long hair, makeup, silly manners, overtly feminine weak. This is unlikely. Male type suit with skirt, blouse is more likely. Obviously interest on this will always be high. Vive la difference.

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