Montag, 22. Mai 2023

Why Can't We See God?

They say seeing God would eliminate the need for faith. Now the ancients saw God all the time. We call this animism today. The sun is a God, trees and plants have living personalities like humans. I was thinking a couple days ago where we are on a scale of consciousness compared to bacteria or planets and stars, the universe. Cells and organelles are small, living, moving parts of our huge organism just as we are part of the biosphere, gaia on the surface of an "organism" earth, which similarly os just a small organ in the solar system which is one of trillions of star systems in our gallaxy, one of trillions of galaxies in the universe. We presume as biological beings that none of this is properly conscious like us, that we are perhaps "alone" in the universe. However this can be entirely erroneous. Earth, the planets, the sun could be quite aware in their own way of our presence. We are not the gods we presume ourselves to be. Consciousness could exist in different bodies, so to speak. Existence of immortality is presumed to be an exotic avatar experience, God to be in humanoid form. However, logically if a " God", a soul were to attain a multimillion year or more continual existence( not our hindu type serial reincarnation at 70 year intervals in humanoid form) then it would need something more stable. Some trees last thousands of years for instance. We see gurus who meditate unmoved for months, becoming like a mountain, metaphorically. What if they then literally transfer their soul energy into the mountain and become part of conscious earth? We pooh pooh that as nonsense. Generally western science denies inner experiences. Logically though we are incredibly limited like bacteria. Jupiter, earth, the sun could be conscious " people" but just humble little inhabitants of the universe. Our modern ego disallows contact with their consciousness, souls, energy fields. Once we open up our souls to theirs we can become in harmony with God' s greater plan. I think getting more into asian energy work like yoga, meditation, tai chi lets us feel the earth's magnetic field, as well as the energy of all bodies, biological, planetary, stars and begin direct communication. We then start to live more in harmony with the planet we are on instead of going against the grain. Civilization is a new idea relatively speaking. Humans transcend the natural order and act like a cancerous growth on the planet's surface, which then eventually is destroyed by its immune system if the civilization does not adapt itself to live in harmony like ancient Egypt, China. Rome and Modern West are expansive, consumptive, purely cancerous, destined to end. Change to save us can only come by change from within the individual.

We read " the body keeps the score", freudian and jungian subconscious, collective subconscious, but we never go the next rational step. Our consciousness has infinite levels and flows over into the environment from which we are not separate but relate like photons in a particle wave function relationship. We are condensed energy forms. Higher forms could be larger, maybe panets or whales or invisible to us, angels or demons we might call them but at any rate nonphysical, except by choosing to take on shortly such a form. If we begin to accept, as current physics is doing, that consciousness comes first, then all ancient religious concepts become utterly plausible but integrated with science in our sense. The yogis and ancient vedic science thought more like this.

This realization makes me less obsessed with the religious questions of life after death, enlightenment or immortality and with human interactions. Mother earth is also my friend, lover. I am not alone.


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