Donnerstag, 25. Mai 2023

Passport Bros

The term is new to me. Fleeing Western dating for South East Asian bride market. Pros and cons. I suppose top tier earners don't need this but men of moderate means perhaps. Western women are more indoctrinated to privilege, rights. My mom was English. My father married her, preferring her to a more difficult Canadian girlfriend apparently. Back then European girls were the equivalent for men. I recall how Mom told of the kids who, during the war, got shipped out to live in the states before the program was cancelled due to a ship being sunk. These kid's attitudes had changed remarkably. So I see how my Dad was a Passport bro of the 50s. I met my Russian wife in Germany and her tales of extreme hardship in the Russian arctic and her long suffering attitude(not towards me, towards work, saving money, etc) are similar to my Mom's. Of course in exchange for this stability I accept getting screamed at, bossed around the house, like my Mom. IOW if a woman has rules, she has rules. Then again I should fix stuff, work, take out the garbage. I am a cheapskate and accept that she can spend responsibly on kids clothes, vacations. My parents were so cheap Mom bought 2nd hand clothes, there were no regular vacations, any new furniture, stuff for the house. It was a sort of paranoia from Depression era perhaps, just opposite of mania I see online where people need massive storage space for everything they buy but don't need. So yes Europeans have more common sense, Eastern European women and Russians even a better choice if you want to escape hedonistic privileged North American girls. In a sense then I am a passport bro, son of a passport bro. But my wife's Mom was a passport sis. A Russian native, married the ethnic German guy who was incredibly hardworking, decent son in law for her Mom. Having survived the war of course her Mom cursed him racially but Russian guys were often lazy drunks so she got a good deal, all in all. Minorities in a country stick out. Lots of Germans colonized in the East and like in the US Midwest were vere very productive, made a great impression. So marrying out of your group, abroad, can be productive, open up new emotional vistas. But it ain't a piece of cake. Traditional is like that. But my wife had boyfriends before and was educated, is very intelligent, knows her rights, etc. It is just I think a matter of toughness, resilience. If I marry a local also, wherever I am at then if they don't like me, being a foreigner myself, then they can find someone new readily as they are more similar to other locals. I stick out. My wife and I are both in that sense similar. Binational parentage, living in a third country from birth place. So this equals out. Neither of us has advantage in a neutral setting. A normal passport bro is likely an average American seeking an average Phillipina, Thai girl. This might not work out. I think me and my wife have an inherent understanding in that sense. Say you are half black, half white and find someone like that to marry. Some things are just understood. But in the mixed marriage of the parents it is more risky and if the person with a mixed background seeks a mate of one type, not mixed then there might be less understanding. Like a passport bro' s half Thai kids will marry an American white who won't really understand. Like I was raised as far north in Alaska like my wife in Russia and get that cold, dark nights thing. Lots of things factor into relationships. I find it odd therefore this online dating. If you are an average local then you seek someone similar. Maybe you think blonde, brunette, educated or working class, and if you are black or latino similarly. Of course I never felt normal either in Alaska with a foreign Mom or here as a foreigner so just picking up chicks randomly, on top of shyness being a huge problem. Maybe when each generation has this problem it just gets passed on. My father's Dad was born in Ireland so he likely had odd habits as a Canadian. So constant ethnic mixing delays feeling totally normal, having lots of contacts, stability. Maybe my kids will marry foreign girls with accents unlike locals and they'll regularly call and fly home to visit as my boys don' t seem to fit in much, make friends, let alone date girls or show the slightest interest although in early 20s( no incel phenomenon here, seem disinterested entirely). I am certainly no good example here. I wonder if I were born of just average American or English parents in England or America would I be more sociable, have lots of friends, a normal life? It seems lots of people are quite isolated nowadays. That seems a societal problem. Acquaintances come and go. Life is fleeting. Neighbours, co-workers, etc. 

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