Dienstag, 2. November 2021

Effects of Reading Savitri

 Reading Savitri by Aurobindo is odd. I feel energy as I eek my way slowly through the poetic lines. I dreamt of my dead father several nights in a row, an old man of a bygone era, similar to Aurobindo. My feelings and mental focus have a new stability. Whereas when one reads news, hears current music, watches modern films then everything turns on the moment With such deep texts asI am reading my being gets grounded at a deeper level. I am less bothered, have more room inside to stop and consider. I was wondering for example what good kundalini is and sharing of energy. I dreamt of someone washing cloths in a tub of hot water. I realized then that we cleanse ourselves and others. Salt of the earth type idea. Since some years, randomly mainly but also directed one can share energy. What good is that ultimately? Influencing, manipulating? No, bringing a higher energy harmony of sorts and this can be passed along to some extent. We are all far from nature and a peaceful existence in a madding crowd so to speak. We are overloaded and need focus. Meditation, yoga, nutrition are important and holy books or philosophy, quietening music, nature. But if not available we take quick routes to break  through like discordant music, drugs, intensive social contacts or sex, psychedelics and kundalini. Short cuts have to be used with utmost caution perhaps sparingly to avoid damage. Moderation in all things is the golden rule.

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