Dienstag, 2. November 2021

Venus in Pisces, Mars in Virgo my positions


The  person who has Venus in Pisces is often attracted to a partner who needs guidance or who suffers from some sort of affliction. He or she is sweet and sensitive towards the loved one and is often taken advantage of by unscrupulous partners.

This person lives in a romantic fantasy world and tends to idealize the partner, refusing to acknowledge his or her faults. The Venus in Pisces individual is easily hurt and tends to retreat at the first sign of disapproval or rejection. He or she often lacks self-confidence and prefers to be pursued.

The man who has Venus in Pisces tends to attract women who are romantic and emotional. A woman who is sensitive and passive is also especially appealing to this man. He is drawn to ultra-feminine or old-fashioned females who appear innocent and demure. He responds to women who are compassionate, caring and selfless, possibly a woman who works in a service-oriented field, such as a nurse or counselor. An intriguing or mysterious female is also considerably appealing to this man.The Venus in Pisces male is likely to become involved in a secret love affair during his lifetime. The influence of Venus is an important factor in love relationships because its placement determines how a person expresses affection as well as how he or she attracts a partner. Of course, the sun sign and other zodiac planets in an astrology chart alter the Venus sign characteristics slightly, so take these factors into consideration when studying the influence of Venus.

This person lives in a romantic fantasy world and tends to idealize the partner, refusing to acknowledge his or her faults. The Venus in Pisces individual is easily hurt and tends to retreat at the first sign of disapproval or rejection. He or she often lacks self-confidence and prefers to be pursued.The man who has Venus in Pisces tends to attract women who are romantic and emotional. A woman who is sensitive and passive is also especially appealing to this man. He is drawn to ultra-feminine or old-fashioned females who appear innocent and demure. He responds to women who are compassionate, caring and selfless, possibly a woman who works in a service-oriented field, such as a nurse or counselor. An intriguing or mysterious female is also considerably appealing to this man. The Venus in Pisces male is likely to become involved in a secret love affair during his lifetime.The influence of Venus is an important factor in love relationships because its placement determines how a person expresses affection as well as how he or she attracts a partner. Of course, the sun sign and other zodiac planets in an astrology chart alter the Venus sign characteristics slightly, so take these factors into consideration when studying the influence of Venus.


ManMen with Mars in Virgo are focused on work. These people are competitive in their work, and make excellent workers. They have an eye for detail and are thorough. They are clean, neat, and organized by nature. Mars in Virgo can nag and criticize endlessly. They can point out and see faults in things and people that others often overlook and miss altogether. There is also a strong interest in hygiene and health. If other factors in the chart support this, there can be a tendency to hypochondria.

Mars in Virgo is a perfectionist and can be very particular and fault finding. The digestive system is sensitive and there can be stomach upsets from worry. The temperament is often nervous and irritable. They find lazy people to be intolerable. They are responsible, reliable, and hard working. Mars in Virgo Lovers are often too quick to settle for easy sex—sex that doesn’t require struggle or emotional strain. At times this tendency induces them to stay in bad relationships simply because those relationships satisfy their physical needs.

Mars in Virgo are the people that get off on getting you off. They want to be your slave. But you have to make sure you are clean first. Don’t ever get into a sexual situation with a Mars in Virgo person without first knowing that you are properly cleaned. The men with this placement are attracted to stable women that actually have hands on jobs. Having the ability to perform massages like a masseuse is a plus in their books. Their stomach areas are their erogenous zones. born with Mars in Virgo tend to be somewhat reserved. They are often quite confident in themselves and their assertive abilities however they are not jumping to get attention or needing a spotlight. They prefer to obsess behind the scenes and show up looking perfect. They are quite charming. They tend to be very down to earth, grounded and relatable. They are good at keeping their checkbook balanced and taking care of themselves. They are often modest and maybe a little old fashioned. They are very straight-ahead, no frills type of personality.

Mars in Virgo men are very health conscious. They are very in touch with their bodies. They often look very lean and sometimes even emaciated. They can be very picky about what they eat and how they workout. They usually do best when they have a regular workout routine. They can be very obsessive about working out —not necessarily for reasons of vanity. Though they are more comfortable when they know they look good, they are more concerned with just working their body out.

They respect nature and the way it works and understand that working out should be a regular routine for optimal health. They can get very obsessed with their workout routine and will find a way to work out no matter what their situation is. A man with Mars in Virgo will have a very active mind and it often just feels good for them to workout to give their minds a rest.

They are not very competitive and team sports aren’t necessarily there forte. They are best suited in more concentrated and introspective types of sports like martial arts, weightlifting, gymnastics, yoga, etc. They are usually very neat as far as their appearance goes. They stay on top of their hair situations and may even get manicures from time to time. They like to control nature.

They don’t like to look too sloppy. However, sometimes, they get so stressed out about trying to keep up with nature that they just give up and let themselves go. Virgo men are never really very happy with themselves when this happens but once they get on this course its very hard for them to get off. They get stuck in the routine of sloppiness and get afraid to come back.

When they are mad at someone they pick them apart piece by piece. Mars in Virgo can really bring the truth pain. (You should hope they have no planets in Scorpio because they will cut precisely and deep! ) They fight by mental dismemberment. By nature they aren’t very aggressive and they don’t like to fight and they aren’t highly emotional. They are never impulsive. Quite the opposite. They can be very passive aggressive.

Mars in Virgo men feel both confident but also weak. They want to be aggressive, but they don’t really see the intelligence in it, so they remain reserved and measured. Men with Mars in Virgo are highly irritable. Much will annoy them. They may not be good at making friends with other men, they are often kind of annoyed with the brutish way other men behave. But they usually do very well with women or love interests).

They usually don’t have a problem finding a date. Probably because they seem so chivalrous and understanding. A polite man who takes care of himself and dresses neatly and nicely. They will always be quite a catch. But their women may sometimes disappointed when their knight in shining armor fails to sweep them off their feet and instead offers them broom to sweep themselves.

Mars in Virgo types can be extremely picky and may take a very long time to “settle down”. Though they may have many long term relationships they often get annoyed after a while with the imperfection of their partner. Or their partner gets tired of Mars in Virgo’s constantly trying to correct their every imperfection. With the wrong partner, Mars in Virgo men can be awful nags.

They need a woman who wants to improve, who is looking for guidance, who can be like an apprentice, a pupil, someone who can help them and whom they can help. Maybe he teaches her yoga and she balances keeps the finances in order. They need a working relationship, a physical routine type of partnership is ideal for the Mars in Virgo man.

Sexually, Mars in Virgo is very sensual and attentive. Usually his arousal is completely based on his partner’s enjoyment. They can have amazing stamina if necessary. They are very sensitive to and understanding of their partners body. They will work hard to be sure they are satisfied. They will memorize what works and do that each time. They can be very routine in bed.

They may be too selfless in bed, their partner may want them to be more aggressive and to show their own enjoyment but they are too busy trying to please. However sometimes it works just the opposite way and they can expect their partner to always please them. They may also prefer partners who are less experienced or even Virgins. They may like feeling special to their partner, they may live the feeling of corrupting thing or taking their innocence. They appreciate having some power over their partner.

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