Sonntag, 21. Mai 2023

SI Swimsuit with geriatrics ex con and Trans, confusing teen onanators

Discussing Kim(formerly Tim) Petras on cover of SI Swimsuit issue. Their discussion is will young men feel attracted to that and then wonder about their sexuality. This reminds me of a National Lampoon article from the 80s where they show naked butts and joke if you can't figure out if it is female or male are you gay. Like in the 70s men with long hair, hippies, could be mistaken for females. This is even funnier with trans phenomenon. LMAOROTFL. I saw my first trans movie on TV the other day.. It was set in the 50s and a woman gave birth but was informed she had two full sets of sexual organs. The female ones were damaged by the c section and they had operated her into being a male. It was all told from a later date as she played pool with an actor and recalled it all. She had short hair and a deep voice in these scenes from ca. 1970. Talk about writing history backwards from current ideology(50s is always used by Hollywood as a base case for all McCarthyite, racist, sexist, homophobic stereotypes to be overcome) but maybe it was based on a true story? I wonder if the 50s will remain like the dark ages forever in Hollywood. Recall the Monty Python middle ages doctor sketch using bleeding, leeches, etc. Hysterical! 

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