Samstag, 20. Mai 2023

Swift Fan Base Concerts

Wow! I know about the Elvis phenomenon, Beatlemania. This seems similar. Few artists keep going so consistently. Most are a few years there with a certain style and then subside into private space, bands break up, kids are born, beer bellies grow. Art as cultural phenomenon, movement embodied in an individual over decades of maturation tied into a maturing audience base is an ideal that actors, authors, film studios dream of, creating and forming national culture so to speak. For a while the Harry Potter series did that. Many pop groups have defined eras like the 70s or 80s. If Taylor can keep this up with new material and passion till she gets like Elton John but doing not just occasional new material or even covers as he does so often that would be historic. Her lyrics are compared to Shakespare. She mixes pop and country in a way that allows all age groups to enjoy it, not just the narrow teen segment of most pop or regionalized country western music. I drift away from top 40 after teen years as it is just that. Then one acquires taste in classical or ignores it altogether. Sing a long is not cool right? But 20,000 fans outside the stadium singing along. Where is our cold hearted cynicism gone to? TS must be banned from popular culture. This just won't do!

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