The above story is fairly extreme but lots of this happen to normal people. I recall watching revanance. He had visions in waking of his already deceased indian wife while a common soldier who had not seen his wife for months mentioned that he was beginning to forget how she looked. Reading on about this so-called twin flame phenomenon one sees that distance and platonic relationship are no real barrier when energy channels are opened. I myself am married but my awakening n a deeper sense started not with the feeling of the chakras unitiallly at about 33 to 35 years old but in my early 50s through twin flaming platonically with acquaintances. In looking back on this hard process of internal energy growth I see that learning to love deeply through many types of relationships, friendships who open all one's chakras is crucial to becoming fully human. Each person is unique effecting one differently over time. With luck and God's grace we find someone whose energy fits ours very closely with whom we can develop our energy bodies over a longer priod of time in parallel. Unless both partners are single and young this should remain a platonic spiritual matter and a life phase for growth until something comes along. Friends move, find new jobs or get married(their heart having perhaps been deeply affected by the relationship and made ripe fruit for the plucking by an appropriate marriage partner). The Indian Gods have partners, Shiva and Parvati and others. If we could choose, perhaps it would not be a short but a growth technique between two people, like sparring or jogging partnerrs, helping each other to slowly develop all the chakras, thereby growing much faster than alone. Essentially the awakening experience is very intense. Gurus are much sought after or cult situations. This leads to zombie/abuse possibilities. When people at an equal level become each other's 'gurus trainers' through consciously applied 'twin flame' technique such problems can be avoided. Deep emotions and sexual feelings are also an unavoidble part of emotional growth. One has to work through these phases carefully to avoid offense, jealousy, possessiveness, keeping a spiritual goal in mind. Generally a solid amount of exprience in this technique or in love relationships plus a solid family basis apart from the special relationship would be recommended to acheive success. However it is all very serendipitous and one must trust one's intuition. I myself havve found that,as a middle aged man, I tend to seeking young women to fulfill such a role as in traditional societies. A young woman's emotional energy highly charges my chakras whereas my energies could draw her out, ripen her, much as in a traditional affair but at the spiritual level. I suppose traditionally such affairs are normal as old married partners lose sexual, emotional interest and the man then seeks a second chance at youth while a young woman needs to learn about her body before embarking on a serious lifetime partnership and perhaps being stuck in a bad marriage with a couple of kids and discovering her initial impression of love, based perhaps on superficial similarities to one another or perhaps to her male relatives, is not enough to maintain the relationship. Deep experiences of love, unrequited even, early on can be helpful as well. Or perhaps a lot of intense short term relationships. Nowadays we all have greater choice, male and female, not being expected to marry our first love partner but pethaps to play the field, or as they tradonally said 'to sow our wild oats', to gain experience so to speak, before settling down for good. The problem with an awakeninhg is that growth just keeps coming emotionally, regardless of age, if we just keep working at it, so that one can never really setttle down. It must not mean twin flame type experiences, but possibly creative arts, nature wanderings, meditation, spiritual literature. Anything can bring this growth as God is everywhere, always. If I end up where I find nobody to share my energy with at such a high level as I have reached, then I will presume that God wants me to turn inwards more to seek him, much as a retiree finds peace in walks and gardening, not in cruising bars with friends looking for a hot date. A time to every season said Solomon.
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